Stanwick Bowls Club
​Safeguarding at Stanwick Bowls Club
Stanwick Bowls Club endorses the commitment of Bowls England to safeguard those who participate in our sport.
We want everyone associated with our Club and anyone associated with bowls generally, to play, spectate and socialise in a safe, positive and enjoyable environment.
To this end we have a dedicated Safeguarding Officer - Alan Belton - who should be the first point of contact should any member or visitor to our Club have a need to raise any form of safeguarding concern.
Alan is an active, playing member of our Club and may be contacted on
01933 623740 or 07790 952621
Our Club will fully comply with the Bowls England policies and guidelines which may be accessed via the links below.
Safeguarding Children Click Here
Safeguarding Adults Click Here
Anti-Bullying Policy Click Here
Information Sharing Click Here