Stanwick Bowls Club

Apparently, apart from Bowls related articles, the internet has many uses! Not that we at Stanwick Bowls Club are interested in much else.
Below you will find a few Bowls related links which we hope you will find of interest. Information contained within the linked web pages is beyond the control of Stanwick Bowls Club, but was believed to be current and correct at the time of publishing.
History of lawn bowls. Who knew……?
Lawn Bowls History - CLICK HERE
Stanwick Bowls Club is affiliated to Bowls Northamptonshire. Here you will find details of other affiliated clubs, together with Bowls related news, competitions and calendar of events.
Bowls Northamptonshire - CLICK HERE
Bowls England is the governing body for outdoor Lawn Bowls. Their website provides lots of information about general bowls news, championships and competitions.
Lawn Bowls rules. Everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask.
A guide to equipment, basic technique, bias and wood sizes etc.
Bowls Equipment Guide - CLICK HERE
Bowls etiquette and tactics. Is it ever a good idea to set off on a lap of honour after winning an end with a lucky, fluked shot? This guide, prepared by another club will give you the answers.
Etiquette and Tactics - CLICK HERE
Need some new equipment? Long-standing members of our club regularly recommend Shotbowl Ltd who are based at Market Deeping, near Peterborough. That is not to say of course, that there are many other sources of bowling equipment, both new or secondhand.
The weather today in Stanwick. Unsure about whether play will be possible today, or, if it goes ahead as planned, are you likely to be needing your rain jacket? This very informative website is likely to have the answers. It's so much easier than looking out of the window too!
The indoor short-mat game. The basics, tips and rules.